Ladies and gents, I am posting my personal thoughts on what happened in Louisiana last night. So if you don't want to read them, feel free to skip this post. Being that people were killed trying to watch a movie, something I do several times a week, I feel I have to say something because it is bothering me.
I am saddened and heartbroken. My thoughts and best wishes go out to the family of those affected in the Lafayette shooting. The cinema is my home. I have met some of my best friends standing in lines for screenings. To me, movies are a family affair. I go to the movies with loved ones more often than not because to me, it is a religious experience. It is where I go to worship. There are good sermons, bad ones, and life changing moments that I see on screen that are reflections upon my life.
Last night, I first heard about the shooting standing in line for a screening of Hannibal at LACMA. I ignored it. I didn't want to think about it. I was there with three people that I love and to think that someone could cut us down doing something as mundane as going to the cinema is something that shocks me. Others hang out at bars, coffee shops, and malls. And unfortunately, killings have happened in these places. People who just look to hang out or have a good time. One of my friends is visiting from New York, so plenty of catching up has happened in those types of places. And to think that someone can go to a place like Walmart, buy a gun, and take out whatever anger they have on people in public places is terrifying.
Being afraid of death in places like that is akin to a cat being afraid of a bathtub full of water, so I do not let it stop me from doing the things that I want to do. But something must be done. That is why I am a supporter of gun control laws and bringing about change to the American gun nut world that is as disgusting as those that exploit children or those who they believe are inferior to them for whatever reasons. It is gratuitous violence that makes me want to turn my eye to the world and not be a part of it.
If you feel that guns are okay and that it's a matter of more security, and more concealed weapons or whatever, you can go ahead and unfriend me. I do not want that sort of thought process even on my news feeds and social media pages. It's thinking I don't need to be around. Again, I'm sorry for the long post, but I am so shocked that I don't know how else to express my feelings about what's occurred in a fashion that isn't anger. The cinema is my place of worship. I do not believe in God or religion, but I know there is a spiritual place due to the experiences I've had listening to music and watching films. I try to keep things light and fun on here and I am sorry for getting serious on all of you. I hope those people's deaths (including the shooter) were not in vain and this brings about change. I wish Love and mercy to you all.